I hope the head pops off easily.. cause I’m thinking…

I hope the head pops off easily.. cause I’m thinking I’d like to give the UM pen a new head. Just a “Minimal” sort of change really… http://ow.ly/xzsUQ

So I’ve preordered the Magnus Pen from HLJ. I got…

So I’ve preordered the Magnus Pen from HLJ. I got some ideas for a pencil case that need to be explored…

who knew unpolished alumide would take so long? #chompingatthebit

who knew unpolished alumide would take so long? #chompingatthebit

who knew unpolished alumide would take so long? #chompingatthebit

Totally unplanned, but I jumped onto the show after ShapeShift…

Totally unplanned, but I jumped onto the show after ShapeShift Inc. and just shot the breeze w/ Luis Amado talking about all kinds of stuff ^__^

I’m a surprise guest on the PowWow show! http://www.ustream.tv/channel/the-pow-wow

I’m a surprise guest on the PowWow show! http://www.ustream.tv/channel/the-pow-wow

It’s a stretch I know, and those that speak Chinese…

It’s a stretch I know, and those that speak Chinese will correct me. But if you spell “Wu Long” like 乌 龙 then it can kinda mean “Black Dragon” or “Shadow Dragon”
So this is a mascot figure for Wu Long Toys for me to put on Business cards. I figured I might as well make it “printable” so it’s hollowed, has snap fit ball joints, segmented articulation, shoulders, elbows, wrists; The jaws open as does the cockpit; The “ears” are on a swivel joint and the “horns” are on ball joints. should make for some nice emoting ^__^

Get your own WuLong from Shapeways http://shpws.me/rJLD

It's a stretch I know, and those that speak Chinese will correct me.  But if you spell

Dry already! feeling impatient.. lol

Dry already! feeling impatient.. lol

Dry already! feeling impatient.. lol

FWIW painting the pilot.. not as fun as I’d hoped….

FWIW painting the pilot.. not as fun as I’d hoped. those are 1″ squares…

FWIW painting the pilot.. not as fun as I'd hoped. those are 1

Phew! Paints done, I want to assemble him now but…

Phew! Paints done, I want to assemble him now but should probably wait till the clear glaze dries :/ http://ow.ly/i/5Kshy

In the event that some of you follow this customizer:…

In the event that some of you follow this customizer: don’t.