I’ve been downloading a ton of stuff to get really familiar with the new printer before I start working on my own designs. The most fun is definitely the ThingMaker app (free) with figures designed by my friend, KidMechano. It’s got a bunch of different action figure parts across a variety of different themes. Using their parts I was able to cobble together a passable Centaur.
I’m going to call her Calandra. I think she’s a Royal Guard and a wounded veteran of the Gnome Wars, having lost and replaced her front legs due to IMD (improvised magical detonation) during the battle of FarthurDore.
She looks pretty cool in the black ABS I printed her in, but I had to paint her up. I’m not the greatest figure painter but I’m pretty happy with the results, muddy though they may be.
If anyone is interested in the parts for her, I can put them up on thingiverse or myminifactory.

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