Welcome Josh, Joe, Gino, Bonnie, Javier, Sean, Shawn, Corretta, and Mitch.
I’ve added you folks to help me make sure that the rules and game mechanics of Battle Roller are accessible enough for new and young players (10 or so?) as well as engaging enough for long time gamers.
In the pinned post I’ve got a link to my Google Drive folder where you can look at the most recent copy of the Rule Book and download the printable portions of the game. I’d love to have play testers to help me out in your gaming groups but I understand that time is rarely a luxury people have and not everyone can spend the time to make a bunch of papercraft miniatures, game boards, and tech cards. So if you’re willing to at least provide some feedback regarding the rule mechanics, or art direction, or even take part in the manufacturing discussions when it gets that far, I’d be most appreciative.
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